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- Business Ideas #87: Verticalized Airbnb, AI Girlfriends...
Business Ideas #87: Verticalized Airbnb, AI Girlfriends...
Plus Fleeing your Country to Build a $30bn Business
Welcome to Half Baked, the newsletter serving up business ideas with more magic than a Harry Potter book.
Here’s what we’ve got for you today:
Business Idea💡: Unlocking a market for free space
Drunk Business Idea 🍻: Helping parents keep track of their kids online activity
Just The Tip 📈: AI girlfriends are here to stay
The Moneyshot 🤑: Fleeing your Country to Build a $30bn Business
Airbnb for Camp Sites 🏕️
Advanture awaits
Available Domain: Airkamping.com
💡 TLDR: A platform where landowners can rent out unused areas on their land to people travelling in vans or camping
1. Problem/Opportunity❓
The Problem/Opportunity: Van life has had a real glow up of late. What was once seen as a horrible situation to be in has become aspirational.

Is it because people long for a more simple existence? Potentially. Is it a commentary on the housing market? Could be. But what we do know is these vanlife aficionados need safe places to stay, and many landowners have unused land which would be perfect for this.
Market Size: The market for van conversions, which is probably our best proxy here, was valued at $8bn in 2023.
2. Solution ✅
The Idea: A platform where landowners can rent out unused areas on their land to people travelling in vans or camping
How it Works:
Landowners sign up to the platform and section off an area of their land which is listed on the platform
Travellers can search on the app for plots of land which they can rent for a few days while on their travels
They simply book in and get use of the land for a short period
Go-to-market: Work with van conversion companies or vanlife trip planners to mark out popular routes and work with landowners on those routes to get early traction
Business Model: Take a % of each booking through the platform
Startup Costs: Minimal
3. How You’ll Get Rich 💰
Exit Strategy: Sell to an existing camping marketplace, like Campsited
Whiskey: The Tangible Asset for Your Portfolio
Most people fail to diversify their investments.
They invest all their money in intangible assets like stocks, bonds, and crypto.
The solution - fine whiskey.
Whiskey is a tangible asset, providing a unique appeal compared to other investments. Casks of whiskey have measurable attributes like size, age, and weight, making their value indisputable. This physical nature allows for clear identification of issues and adjustments to safeguard future value.
Vinovest’s expertise in managing these tangible assets ensures your whiskey casks are stored and insured to the highest standards, enhancing their worth over time. Discover how this tangible, appreciating asset can enhance your investment portfolio.
Kid Comment Tracker
Parents are always curious as to what their kids are doing online. Well this new app removes the mystique around it.
With this new app parents can track their kid’s social media comments across all the different social media platforms to see what they’re really up to.

Trend 📈: Using AI to Solve for Loneliness
AI girlfriends and friendships will see an explosion in 2024. Solving the loneliness epidemic appears to be on of the earliest use cases of AI. And Character.ai is the canary in the coal mine.

Fleeing your Country to Build a $30bn Business
Picture this.
It’s 2006 and Facebook is taking over the world. But it hasn’t reached your country yet, so you decide to make your own local social network.
You launch it, and it takes off.
It hits 1m users. Then 10m. It’s a juggernaut which can’t be stopped.
Until it is. By your Government.
Well this is exactly what happened to Pavel Durov, whose social media platform VK was taken over by Putin’s allies when he refused to handover user data to the Government.
Pavel left Russia in 2014 and to this day has not returned. So did he hideaway to protect himself from his adversaries?
Quite the opposite. Instead Pavel launched Telegram with his brother Nikolai in 2014, a cloud-based, cross-platform, encrypted instant messaging service.

Today Telegram has more than 900m monthly active users and is valued at more than $30bn, with aims to go public in 2025. And Pavel achieved all of this without raising any outside capital.
He doesn’t seem to care about money at all in fact. In a recent interview he casually mentions that he has a few hundred million sitting in a bank account or in bitcoin right now.
The dude could be a supervillain if he wanted to be, but luckily he’s choosing to do good in the world.
I wonder who they’ll cast as him in the movie that will eventually be made about his story.
Jason Barrett coming in with a super interesting idea arounds X spaces.
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